TCAC Video Lounge X Hong-gah Museum TIVA Video Art Archive


TCAC Video Lounge X 鳳甲美術館TIVA錄像資料庫

「TCAC Video Lounge X 鳳甲美術館TIVA錄像資料庫」由TCAC與鳳甲美術館攜手合作,共同建立一個共享與開放的錄像藝術作品資料庫平台,結合TCAC自2010年創辦起迄今所建置的藝術家檔案庫,以及2008年起由鳳甲美術館持續舉辦「台灣國際錄像藝術展」(TIVA)之歷屆入選作品,由兩個機構所整合之檔案庫即日起於TCAC的錄像廳空間中常態性提供開放閱覽,提供一個讓觀者與錄像密切對話的場域,也作為國內外策展人、藝評、研究者對台灣當代藝術專業研究之管道。


This archive is a collaboration between two organizations to create an open database for video art. It features the TCAC Artist Archive’s collection (since 2010) and Hong-gah Musem’s TIVA open call’s selection works (since 2008), providing researchers, critics, curators a resource for professional research and audience an opportunity to develop different dialogues with video art works.

Every season a special guest screening programmer will be invited to host a Video Lounge event with the archive material, creating a performative mediation and reproduction for moving image exhibition. The archive will challenge ways of seeing by clustering energy and spirits for the Taiwan contemporary video art scene.

Apart from the special screening selection event, the project will host open calls to engage and observe new expressions. All archive activication events encourage artists to share their video works in the archive to enrich the flux of video art distribution.

[Video Lounge & TIVA video archive list]



  1. 開放使用時間為每週三至週六,下午一點至六點,例假日休館。如遇TCAC展覽活動期間,將暫停開放使用。
  2. 採預約制,請來信office@tcac.tw申請,內容包含:日期、時間、單位、姓名、人數。預約成功將由TCAC正式回信確認。
  3. 本資料庫提供之作品為學術研究版本,限定為TCAC館內閱覽,恕不開放外借。所有作品之版權為藝術家或所屬出品發行單位所有,嚴禁拷貝與翻攝。

How to use our video archive:

  1. Open hours: Wed.-Sat., 1-6pm, closed on the legal holidays. 
  2. O


  1. 錄像資料庫:每年由TCAC策展研究團隊針對特定主題性進行錄像作品公開徵件,無償徵求創作者提供研究版(非正式展出版)之錄像檔案,作為本共同資料庫之非營利性質的研究與閱讀使用。透過TCAC之專業策展工作人員之編輯、建檔整理、國際網絡聯繫,以及密集舉辦的各類交流活動,您的作品將與更多研究者與觀眾對話。 
  2. 放映單元策劃選映人:每季TCAC Video Lounge週期性推出選映討論活動,將視不同主題邀請或開放徵求策劃選映人。
  3. 主動向TCAC提出您的錄像放映、檔案活化的各種策劃與行動方案。請將您的方案寄至信箱,工作團隊將於每月定期會議中討論您的方案。

How to participate:

  1. Video Archive: TCAC will run thematic annual open call for new entries for screening program, inviting artists to donate video works (research copies) for strictly non-for-profit purpose. Through TCAC’s editorial, archving, networking and event platform, an open access for researchers and audience will be created for further distribution. 
  2. Video Lounge screening programer: TCAC will invite or call for screening programers to do special screening program and discussion.
  3. You are welcome to propose your video screening program and event idea. Please send your proposal to us at